This MRSA natural cure is easy to use at home, without antibiotics, using herbs, essential oil, and other natural remedies that you might already have at home. These 10 natural remedies will give you the best chance to stop an MRSA infection so you can get back to doing the things you love.
Fighting MRSA naturally
Every year 19,000 people die from antibiotic-resistant staph infections. 90,000 people end up in the emergency room. Many of these are children, according to the MRSA research center at the University of Chicago.
Last week, I had put some cow’s milk in my coffee and within a few hours, my scalp was covered in hives – about 8 of them – an allergic reaction to the milk. The hives burst a few days later and mostly went away, except for one. That one turned into a boil and an MRSA infection. Normally, applying tea tree essential oil to the infection would be enough to take care of it overnight, but my house has been sick lately, so my immune system is a bit over-worked.
My friend Amy recently posted her method of dealing with MRSA infections – applying heat and tea tree oil to the site of the infection. I wanted to elaborate on this because I think that this is a very useful homestead skill to know and use. Also, it’s a natural healing remedy that is accessible to everyone, even those without herbal education.
First, let’s look at what an MRSA infection is:
An MRSA infection is an antibiotic-resistant staph infection that usually appears on the skin. Staph bacteria are present on your body normally and it’s only if your immune system gets overwhelmed that it becomes problematic. Normally your body can deal with it using normal immune responses. Making sure you have times to de-stress and relax built into your day, and making sure to consume immune supporting foods can help keep your immune system strong.
MRSA Skin infections
The following is for skin infections. Should the area redden and swell or your condition worsens, please see a doctor immediately. MRSA infections can lead to death and organ damage. However, if caught early this method can help you overcome.
MRSA infection presents as a skin infection with redness, puffiness and sometimes an area of broken skin in the center, much like a spider bite but without the itching. Under the broken skin are often puss, inflammation, and infection.
Antibiotic ointment is ineffective in dealing with the infection. The infection, if left untreated can persist for weeks, it can move to surrounding tissue, and it can spread to family members from contact with an infected wound or by sharing personal items, such as towels or razors, that have touched the infected skin.
A chronic MRSA infection can spread, with scabbing, and scarring, while it runs down your immune system, into your bloodstream, joints, and organs. Antibiotics won’t take it away. In fact, using antibiotics to try to fight it can result in mutations that make the MRSA bacteria even stronger and more difficult to fight. But natural remedies like heat, herbal remedies, and essential oils are very effective in supporting your immune system to fight it.
The antibiotic-resistant bacteria that cause MRSA infections are present on the skin and in the environment. It is only when the body’s immune defenses are compromised, or the number of bacteria in the environment too numerous, that the body succumbs to infection. But once the infection takes hold, it is very difficult, by normal OTC or prescription means to eradicate it. It often leaves a low-grade infection that flares up the next time the immune system is compromised. This low-grade infection is highly contagious and likely to be passed on to other family members.
10 MRSA natural cures
- Heat
- Essential Oil
- Drawing poultice
- Hand expression
- Cleansing
- Manuka Honey
- Colloidal Silver
- Garlic infused olive oil
- Activated Charcoal
- Oregano oil (wild thyme)
Applying Heat:
Heat draws blood flow to the area and can begin to destroy the harmful bacteria. Use a damp cloth or heated flax bag to increase the heat to the area. If the infected spot can be soaked in a tub of water, or bowl of water, that’s the best way to increase the heat to the area. Adding a cup of salt or magnesium chloride to the soaking water can increase the effectiveness of this. This is especially effective if the infection involves your hands or fingers.
If it’s on a place where this is difficult to soak, like your head, or shoulders, use a damp cloth, that is kept hot with a heated flax bag. Keep the heat for at least 20 minutes, replacing the heated cloth as necessary. Your aim is to increase the heat and circulation to the infected area. Learn how to make your own flax bag here.
Essential oils to use with an MRSA infection:
Several essential oils are effective in combating MRSA infections. These essential oils are just some of the many essential oils used to effectively cure MRSA infections naturally. Choose one essential oil or a combination as you prefer.
Dilute the essential oil before using it so that you don’t create sensitivity or allergy. Essential oils are quite strong. Use a single drop of essential oil in 1 teaspoon of virgin olive oil. Apply a small portion of this diluted essential oil mixture to the wound site.
Amy suggested tea tree essential oil, and I concur with that. Tea Tree is very effective in dealing with an infection. Tea Tree essential oil is antibiotic, antiseptic, and anti-fungal. I’ve used it on my homestead to effectively combat strep boils, staph infections, and mastitis in my goats (when rubbed on the udder it is one of the few treatments that permeate the inside of the mammary glands to combat infection.) It’s the first oil that I grab when dealing with MRSA infections. Bacteria cannot develop immunity to it.
Peppermint essential oil is another antimicrobial essential oil. It has a cooling effect, so keep this in mind if you intend to use it near your face. It can make your eyes water.
Lavender essential oil is antibiotic, anti-fungal, and uplifting and relaxing, provided that you are not allergic to it.
Clove essential oil is the essential oil used by dentists to numb your gums before injection of Novocaine during dental work. It is a strong antimicrobial and is strongly scented, almost overpowering. It is one of the ingredients in Marseilles Remedy-5 thieves’ essential oil blend, used during the Black Plague
Rosemary essential oil is one of the more expensive essential oils on this list. It is antiviral, antimicrobial, and warming. It is useful when there is pain involved as, like peppermint, it acts as an anti-inflammatory as well.
Marseilles Remedy – 5 thieves essential oil blend – This is a propriety essential oil blend that is available from several companies under different names. During the plagues of the Middle Ages, some thieves robbed the bodies of the dead taking their jewelry and valuables. The thieves kept from getting sick by washing their bodies with vinegar that had herbs and spices steeped in it. The herbs and spices commonly used were cinnamon, lavender, cloves, lemon peels, and rosemary branches. Today these spices, along with eucalyptus are combined as essential oils and sold as propriety essential oil blends. The basic value is that this blend is antimicrobial, antiviral, and anti-fungal – making it useful in the treatment of MRSA infections.
Drawing poultice for an MRSA infection
A drawing poultice acts by bringing moist heat to your skin, along with an agent that creates an irritation to increase the blood flow to the area. As the blood flow increases it pushes the infection to the surface of your skin, often bringing the boil to a head, where it can be drawn out of your skin with pressure. Alternatively, the heat and irritation help your own white blood cells fight the infection without breaking the skin.
You’ve probably heard of mustard plasters, flax plasters, and bread poultices. These are examples of drawing poultices. A drawing poultice can be made from plantain leaves, a slice of onion, or pine pitch to draw the infection out of deep tissue and bring it to the surface of the skin where it can be expressed with heat and pressure, or where your white blood cells can attack it.
Amy recommended using a slice of onion. This was new to me so I gave it a try. As I was chopping onions to put in the crockpot for dinner, I sliced off the top of the onion. This gave me a rounded closed sliced that was just big enough to anchor in place with a couple of plaster bandages. Within a few minutes of taping this over the hard MRSA nodule in my shoulder, the area started heating up, a natural response to the onion juice in the slice. The treatment needs to be reapplied every 12 hours until the infection is drawn out.
This area was the leftover from a mosquito bite in 2011. It periodically swells to a tender boil and weeps, leaving behind a small, hard nodule in the muscle. It is in a spot that is hard to get any kind of plaster on. I periodically apply tea tree or lavender essential oil to try to shrink the spot. Last month I applied the Marseilles remedy twice a day for a week and it burst, leaving behind the present, hard nodule. Since it didn’t seem to be improving beyond that, it was worth trying Amy’s onion poultice, to see if the last remnant of infection can be drawn out.
Red Alder and Tag Alder
Two native North American trees, Tag Alder on the East Coast and Red alder on the West coast are strong antimicrobial and antifungal herbs. A tincture can be made using the catkins and inner bark of new growth, which offers both antimicrobial and antifungal benefits. Alder is one of the strongest antimicrobial assets in the North American landscape. You’ll find it growing near stream banks and in many of the same places that you’ll find willow and birch. Every region has its own native species that has been used for centuries and Alder (Alnus rugosa; A. Rubra) is ours in North America.
Hand-expression of an MRSA infection
Sometimes, with the application of antimicrobial essential oil and heat, your body can fight the infection on its own, and this step is unnecessary.
Once the infection has been drawn to a head and you think you can apply a bit of pressure to express the infective tissue, apply heat once more.
Apply tea tree oil or the essential oil of your choice to surrounding tissue to stop the spread of the infection beyond the current area.
Take a clean disposable paper towel or several layers of tissue, and put it over the spot to catch the infective material. You don’t want to spread the infection – so don’t use a handkerchief for this, it must be disposable. Clean hands and clean technique are a must here.
Cover the wound and squeeze with your thumb and forefinger applying steady pressure to the base of the infection. This should move the infective material to the wound opening. If it doesn’t it may not be ready to be expressed. If not, apply the poultice with heat for 4 more hours and try again.
If a wound is already made in the spot, gentle and firm squeezing should cause the puss to come out. Catch it all in the tissue, dispose of it immediately.
Cleansing the area and applying an essential oil
Cleaning the infection site and frequent hand washing is an effective way to keep MRSA from spreading. Wipe the area with a clean, hot cloth and apply tea tree oil once again. Bandage if necessary. You don’t want the infectious material to weep onto clothing or furniture.
Frequent hand washing is effective in keeping MRSA infections from spreading through your household. If you have an active MRSA infection in your home, be sure to wipe doorknobs, light switch plates, and taps with vinegar-citrus cleaner or thieves vinegar regularly to keep the infection from spreading.
Manuka Honey as an MRSA natural cure
Manuka honey is tested and proven MRSA natural cure. Manuka honey is single species honey produced in New Zealand from the nectar of the manuka bush. Honey was used for medicinal purposes from ancient times. Manuka honey is set apart for your local raw honey because of its antimicrobial properties and its natural enzyme profile. These enzymes are the precursors to hydrogen peroxide. The combined antimicrobial power with these natural enzymes makes manuka honey very effective in relieving boosting the body’s own immune response to alleviate MRSA infections. The honey is safe for both internal and topical use.
Manuka honey is graded on a scale of 0 to 20, with 4 to 9 being normal table use. This grade of manuka honey shares the same health profile as any other raw, local honey. The next grade is 10 to 14, the maintenance level for increased vitality and stamina. Grade 15 to 19 offers therapeutic and antibacterial benefits to support natural healing. Grades 20 or higher, like this one, are reserved for medicinal and therapeutic use. The higher levels of manuka honey should only be in limited amounts with no more than 1 tablespoon per day. Those who are allergic to bees, honey, and bee venom should use caution when eating or using manuka honey topically.
Colloidal Silver as an effective MRSA natural cure
Colloidal silver is an effective and proven MRSA natural cure. Colloidal silver is antimicrobial, antiviral, and antifungal. Topical and internal use of colloidal silver can support the body’s natural healing mechanisms and immunity. Hospitals use colloidal silver-impregnated bandages and dressings to prevent infection and to treat skin problems.
It’s important when using colloidal silver internally to choose a product that has a small particle size in the nanoparticle range, like this one. or this one.
Garlic and Garlic Oil
Raw garlic and garlic-infused olive oil are antimicrobial, antifungal, and antiviral, aiding the body’s natural healing and immune responses. You can take a raw garlic clove on a spoonful of honey to make eating garlic easier. For topical use, infuse raw, organic garlic in olive oil for a week. The garlic must remain in its raw state for optimal antimicrobial strength. Do this in the fridge to avoid the growth of bad bacteria in the oil, before the oil is fully infused with garlic oil.
Use garlic infused oil full strength on MRSA infections, cover with a bandage and leave for a few hours before washing off with soap.
Activated charcoal
Activated charcoal acts as a poultice to draw out and bind with toxins in the skin. It has a purifying effect on the skin, breaking the cells of the bacteria and removing them from the body.
To use activated charcoal as a poultice for an MRSA natural cure: Mix 1 teaspoon of activated charcoal with a 1/4 teaspoon of olive oil that you’ve added a drop of tea tree oil to. Use as a poultice on boils or infected skin. Cover with a bandage to keep clothing and bedding from getting soiled with the charcoal. Charcoal can be messy.
Oregano Oil
Oregano oil comes from the wild thyme growing in the mountains around the Mediterranean. It is used as a natural antimicrobial with an affinity for lung issues. It’s commonly taken for coughs and colds. But because of its antimicrobial and antifungal effects, it is often used to support the body’s immune defenses against bacterial infections like MRSA.
It is strong tasting and can burn a little when you take it orally. Look for oregano oil with a high carvacrol percentage like this one.
Variety is the best MRSA natural cure
When trying to cure a persistent infection like MRSA sometimes switching natural remedies after a week or two is the best way to handle it. We’ve found that sometimes even natural herbs work for a little while and then seem less effective. Switching the remedy after a week or two can sometimes be the best strategy for actually stopping a persistent MRSA infection.
In addition to natural remedies, your immune system can be supported by a healthy diet, rich in antioxidants, low in sugar and processed foods, adequate rest, and moderate exercise to increase your circulation and speed recovery. Natural remedies work by supporting the body’s innate ability to heal itself. By ensuring that your body has the best building blocks you have the best chance to heal.
A step by step Herbal Protocol you can use at home:
People have called me at home asking for a protocol they could use to treat their own MRSA infections. I’m not a doctor. But Naturopath Eric Yarnell is. His herbal protocol for working with both skin MRSA and internal MRSA infections effectively with herbs is available online. Download and print a copy of this protocol for your own use here. It involves removing all sugar from the diet, eating a healthy diet rich in fruits, vegetables, green tea, and chocolate, taking 3 to 5 raw garlic cloves a day and a mixture of antimicrobial and immune-supporting herbs to support the body in fighting infection. The herbs are listed in the protocol. Dr. Yarnell’s protocol lists many of the recommendations I’ve listed here.
The DIY Herbal Apothecary course
Many of the natural remedies described in this article were common household remedies used for centuries. Some have been tested with rigorous scientific experiments, like Manuka honey and colloidal silver, but many have not. However, herbal remedies are the people’s medicine, learned through trial and error through the centuries. When you are ready to take this knowledge back for your own family, a good start is to create a DIY herbal medicine toolkit. My course can help you do exactly that.
To find out how you can create your own effective and inexpensive herbal apothecary check out my course here.
Note: This post is not to diagnose or treat any illness. Please do your own due diligence. Consult your own naturopath or doctor to determine the best action in your personal circumstances.
I find aloe gel helps too
Hi this is Anna I am not sure if this site still active ,I don’t know if you can help me I get blisters in my mouth it will go on for weeks and months .i had acid reflux long ago I stopped using tea tomatoes citrus fruits I was on medicine but lately I stopped taking medicine . Now I often get mouth blisters and lately doctor said it is virus but I discovered may be it is from the acid reflux .i took steroid once and don’t want to take it also don’t want to take antibiotic . You talk about flaxseed oil can help the gums may be that can help please do you have any suggestion thank you so much
You may have GERD or need a stomach med so your stomach acid is not wrecking the throat while you sleep. In addition to whatever else is going on!
I have been dealing with a breast abscess for 6 months. I am 46, not pregnant, or breast feeding. At the doctors office they drain the abscess 3 times a week, give me an antibiotic, and send me home with a 10 day course of an antibiotic. Last week I had my 3rd round of this treatment in 6 months. The doctor wants me to go to a surgeon to have the duct removed but tells me it could still come back. I would like to try something different before going that route. Any suggestions?
I can’t believe some of the things people have to deal with. I feel like a horrible person- unhappy and complaining about my imperfections when things really could be much worse and much more serious.
I’m sending good energy and praying for your health and healing. I mean that genuinely….
I just now prayed for you. And I’ll be praying again for you.
Good luck and good bless you. Hang in there.
That sounds awful. I had a cyst in one of my breasts. It was a hard lump and I thought it was cancer. It really scared me. The dr. wanted to aspirate with a needle. I used a castor oil pack, applied heat for about 40 minutes two times a day and it drew out the fluid. The cyst disappeared. It came back once more. I did the same treatment and it hasn’t come back since.
Castor oil works especially with heat.
This blog has a lot of useful information except I dont know what MSRA is? Can talk it about it first. That would have been helpful. I’d like to know more about it. Break it down a little bit more for me. Thank you.
According to google MRSA is an acronym for Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus refers to a group of Gram-positive bacteria that are genetically distinct from other strains of Staphylococcus aureus. MRSA is responsible for several difficult-to-treat infections in humans.
According to me ( I’m not a doctor but I do have some firsthand experience with MRSA) and it’s basically when a bacterial infection won’t respond to antibiotics. It’s “resistant” and when a person has an infection that can’t be fought with medication …. the result can be fatal.
Going on memory, seems like around 2005-2008 it got bad. A few people I knew found out they had MRSA and I recall often on the news I’d hear about another person dying from an infection that was resistant to antibiotics. I remember a lot of young people, school age, were apparently getting it from the locker rooms/showers at their schools. A few kids died from it too.
Back when the new normal would be wearing flip flops in locker rooms. Never go barefooted. EVER!
Remember- always consult a doctor for any health related issues. Etcetc
Hope that helps.
Your recommendations are spot on and work great. I had a staph infection on the top of my thumb (boil) and treated it I just 3 days following your recommendations. Mostly I did this: washed the infected area with soap and water, dried the area and rinsed in nano silver. I did this each time I changed the bandage which was about 3 times per day. The first bandage application of the day would be Manuka Honey (16 factor) and a slice of garlic. This would really sting at first but after toughing it out the hot and pulsating pain would slowly subside. Garlic kills everything bad. For the second application I used Manuka Honey and a mix of two drops each of tea trea, clove, and oregano oils. Third application would be a combination of any of the above. Also, orally I took nano silver 3 times per day, oregano oil 5 times per day, Carnivora 3 times per day, drank pao d’arco tea twice per day, and drank my home made master tonic twice per day. No sugar, no alcohol, no bread since staph feeds on sugar and don’t overload your system with food in any case. Took my regular regimen of food based vitamins, minerals, and probiotics.
One can apply mustard oil on skin. It has good antibacterial properties. Reference -
That seems like it would burn, no? Essential oils should be diluted with a carrier oil if applied to skin.
I have what seems to be mrsa infection that reappears every so often around boils. This one I just got concerned me due to the large area of redness around it, concerned me to the point I went to hospital and got antibiotics which I have not been taking yet, due to the fact I do not want to if I do not have to. My immune system is very good usually and have not been sick in a couple years, but just as the biggest infection I have had arose on my leg I got a cold. What is your recommendation regarding taking antibiotics or sticking to herbal natural route, I am in my early thirties if that makes a difference. Thanks ~
Follow the advice of your doctor
Please remember MRSA is not the only antibiotic resistant microbe. There seem to be more every day. I have lived with resistant infection deep inside me (presacral abscess, osteomyelitis/bone infection in the left hip & sacrum, plus a long fistula for ir all to drain. My best recommendation is to use more essential oils & rotate them every 24-48 hours. Rotation is very important to preventing more resistance to natural remedies. I need to take a nano-form of silver with some DMSO so the silver can reach the necessary tissues. I have found Sovereign Laboritories’ Colostrum LD (liposomal delivery) to be veryhelpful too.
I take a bath with 35%, food grade hydrogen peroxide with plenty of epsom salts every day, to clean the area of the opening, but mainly to detox from waste poisons the infection creates. I had two surgeries to remove the abscess, but no one noticed the bone infection was there for years! The medical system is ignored the problems it has taken a huge part in creating. I avoid hospitals. Doctors started tell me in ‘16 that I would die & terribly, trying to scare me into another surgery. Fact is, I am sure surgery would kill me. The hospital, doctors, etc would still get paid though. I have lost all trust in MDs. I see a naturopath now. I went home with C. Diff after the first surgery. Glad I lived through that horror!
There is a wonderful book called, “Herbal Antibiotics” by Steven H. Buhner on using plant medicine to fight antibiotic resistant organisms.
It is worth buying. It has tons of info, studies, how to’s, most all you need but the herbs!
Just, never give up! You can even try red/near infrared light. So many things to us3 to keep you from where I am at, which started by being rear-ended at a stop light by a drunk driver in 1994. The seatbelt ruptured a diverticula & it was not found until 2011!
do you have any recommendations for STREP as it seems to find me and affect my throat and gums.
thank you!
Dr. Axe has some recommendations:
A friend had a MRSA infection that was resistant to every antibiotic. He was in the hospital on IV antibiotics for a week and came very close to losing his thumb. Then It kept coming back every time he stopped taking oral antibiotics and they were talking about long-term IV antibiotics without much hope of success. Scary day, but he turned down the IV, went off all oral antibiotics, and threw the kitchen sink of natural remedies at it. Oil of oregano was a big part of the program, and he did get
rid of the MRSA.
Could have been a fluke right? Then the same thing happened to his son with a highly resistant recurring MRSA infection. After several courses of antibiotics failed he put him on the same natural program that helped him, and sure enough they got rid of that MRSA again.
Anecdotal for sure but after seeing it happen twice with my own eyes that’s all I need to remain a true believer.
No, it isn’t a fluke. Humans were using natural treatments LONG before antibiotics. That is the dilemma with MRSA. It’s very name is Methicillin Resistant Stapholocaucus Aureus. Basically, a staph infection that is resistant to antibiotics. Just like the yeast infections, etc. that grow over agressively because the antibiotics killed off the bacteria that kept it in check. That’s why using natural remedies to help your body’s own natural resistance to fight the intruding bacteria, it boosts your immune system by “buffing it up” instead of allowing it to be lazy and become useless.
8 was wondering if you can help me my mum got mrsa in hospital in her foot and was put on antibiotics and had and angeoplasty done it worked and mum seemed to improve but the hospital stopped the antibiotics mums pain came back and the angeo didn’t work and the mrsa was back, so they took mums foot and put her on antibiotics they then said the stump was fine and mrsa was gone but now mums stump is paining her and the bacteria is back and they are taken her for more surgery to remove more!! Im thinking the same thing will happen this time as the last two times and can you please tell me what remedy your husband used!!!!!
Daniela what treatment did your husband and son usevmy mum got mrsa in hospital in her foot and they gave her antibiotics and she had an angeoplasty on her foot and everything seemed like it was working then the pain sweats came back and bacteria came back and mum had to loose her foot, then the stump was fine bacteria was gone they said again and now they say no its back and they are taking more in surgery,,
Was the oil of Oregano used topically or orally? What else was used?
How can you treat MRSA in your gums?
Try flaxseed oil in your mouth. Also take a tsp of flaxseed in the morning and at night with food.
I was diagnosed with prurigo nodularis, but one doctor (out of five) actually tested what was in the nodules and it was staph and actinobacter. I have tried many things. Drink hot water with a tablespoon of honey and cinnamon. They clean it out. Also drink the oregano in oil.
Thank you for the article, very informative! I am wondering if this mix is ok:
I have doterra essential oils. Can I use one drop of some of the oils that was reccomended in this article mixed with fractionated coconut oil (from doterra) or solid unrefined, raw and organic coconut oil (Brand is Island Essentials from Walmart) or Pompeian Extra Virgin Olive Oil (Store bought at walmart)? Please tell me if they are all ok to use and which one is best. I would like to add the honey you suggested as well. I would like to take everything and mix it in one big bowl and rub it on my daughters infected wound on her leg. Can the oregano be use as topical on the wound or does it have to be taken orally? Please let me know as soon as you are able. My daughters cut from a few weeks ago isn’t healing and we don’t have health isurance. Thank you so, so , so much.
It’s best to treat any infection holistically. So fix the immune system by limiting sugar, increasing fruits and vegetable consumption. Any of the essential oils can be mixed with coconut or olive oil to make a salve. Using a poultice can help to draw the infection out (charcoal or plantain if you have it?). Soaking the leg in salt water might also help. I’d do one thing at a time rather than mix them all together. That way you can tell if what you are trying is working or not.
Do watch for the signs of blood poisoning. And take your daughter immediately to an emergency clinic if you see any signs of blood poisoning. If the infection worsens seek medical help.
Thank you so much!
Ok, I’ll tell you what I just did. I used a hot clean wash rag and put it over the cut. Left on there for little over 10 minutes. (heated it once again about 5 minutes in). Next, I put about 4 teaspoons of extra virgin olive oil in a little bowl and added a few drops of melaluca (tea trea oil) and frankincense. Mixed it together really well and the applied to cut with a cotton ball. Then put a bandaid over it.
I have a staph infection on my arm so have been researching treatments. Just read a study where they recreated a 1000 year old ointment for staph and it worked great. It is ox bile(walmart or amazon) ,white wine,garlic, and either onion or leek in equal parts by volume aged for 9 days in a copper vessel.They found that it was the combination that made it so effective, removing any part made it less effective. It was effective fresh but more effective after 9 days. Email me if you want the link to the study. Copper oxides also kill staph. Dilited thyme oil can make a disinfectant as good as bleach. Ive learned a lot in the last couple of days, thanks for your info, knowledge is power.
Aloha, interested in the link and thank you for this info!
Have you ever experienced MRSA not in the form of a boil? For example, culturing an eczema rash and it showing up positive for MRSA?
Yes we have personally had that. It turned into cellulitis.
How do you go about dealing with this one ?
This is also what we are dealing with! It itches but we don’t get boils. We just get red skin. Trying garlic baths as nothing else seems to really get rid of it.
I currently dont have a boil atibioticts arent work in I don’t know what to do
Hi Sherry Brooks here from Canada I have very advanced MRSA and I’ve also used oil of oregano with hot hot water and salt keep putting on the site it does help but very painful as well
My husband is dealing with this right now in his leg. We are applying French Green Clay once a day that has been hydrated in Kombucha and colloidal silver. He is taking oil of oregano, kombucha, kefir, and colloidal silver orally. We are also putting a lotion with colloidal silver/tea tree oil/aloe vera on it. Kombucha scobies used as a poultice also seems to help take the itching/burning away, but we ran out of the scobies. I wouldn’t put the oil of oregano directly on the skin without diluting it. It can burn the skin.
Very helpful article! I was aware of Tea Tree Oil for combating a MERSA infection, but didn’t know that those other essential oils would help too. I got 7 mosquito bites on my legs & feet while working in the yard last week & 4 of them almost instantly turned into MERSA infections. This happened a couple of years ago too & I ended up on steroids and antibiotics. Since I have no insurance I’m trying everything possible this time to avoid a doctor visit. I also hate taking steroids because they always crash my immune system and I end up with a cold virus, sinus infection or bronchitis.
Last night I did a foot soak in hot salt water & tea tree oil. Then I applied a poultice of dissolved garlic oil capsules, grapefruit seed oil, and apple cider vinegar. I soaked cotton pads in the mix and let them sit on the wounds for an hour. Then I washed with Hibiclens soap & dabbed on more of the garlic mixture before bed. This morning, the wounds were about 30% healed. Tonight I’m going to use the same mixture, but will add clove oil and see what happens. It’s looking hopeful – fingers crossed!
I have been dealing with chronic MRSA infections (usually brought on by stress) for 6 years, now. I don’t go to the doctor unless it is red, hot, and.swollen for an extended period of time and/or I am running a fever, too. The home.remedy that our family has used for MANY generations, now, for an would infection is soaking, immersed or with hot compresses, of hot salt water until it comes to a head. When light pressure releases the pus, you can go to the next step. Do not mash it too much, which can cause bruising and force infection into your bloodstream, which is EXTREMELY serious and can be deadly. Make a paste of baking soda and a oily ointment. (My grandmother used lard, my mother used “Crisco” and I’ve always used Neosporin, but with the chronic outbreaks came a prescription of Mupiricin. It is an extremely effective ointment for.MRSA. put this paste over the point of drainage and cover safely. It will draw the infection out. You can, actually feel the stinging as it works. I rarely ever need oral antibiotics and hope that this will allow me to prevent sepsis, again, in the future.
Thanks for the great advice. I’ve been on two rounds of different antibiotics and I’m praying this MRSA doesn’t return. Do you think if it does return, I should try your natural remedy instead of getting on more antibiotics? I know they’re wreaking havoc with my immune system and general health. I feel like I’m fighting a nightmare, and could you all the help and advice I can get.
Thanks so much!
Do speak to your doctor. It could be that some lifestyle changes can give you a better chance of overcoming.
Your link for the Intermediate Herbal Course isn’t working.
Thanks for letting me know. I ‘ll check it out.
It works for me. I’m wondering if your privacy settings don’t allow it to open for you???
I could not get it to work for me either.
the picture works just not the link in sentence.
Thank you ErinElizabeth, for noting what I was wondering. I even “googled” MSR, because I wasn’t familiar with it. The list results autocorrected and came back for MRSA. That’s what I thought Chris was referring to, so I’m just glad to get it clarified. BTW, as a nurse I know that most people in healthcare refer to it as “MER-sah”, rather than saying the initials. And it is indeed a very bad bug!
Very interesting to read, thank you for sharing. A rather useful something for me to tuck away in my little doctor box, I’ve even already got almost all of those essential oils around (just missing rosemary).
I just want to mention that it sounds like you’re referring to Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Otherwise I don’t know what MSR is.
Yes, thanks for pointing that out. My nurse friend called it MSR so I parroted her here, thinking that was the common way to refer to it. I’ll make the correction.