Kombucha benefits your health.ย It is called the “Immortal Health Elixir” by the Chinese.ย In Russia, it’s called simply “Mushroom Tea” and has been made for centuries.ย Before American soft drinks burst on the scene, at the end of the cold war, Kombucha was the family beverage of choice.ย Today it’s making a comeback in Russian because of its health benefits.
Kombucha can help you meet your “New Year, New You” goals.ย It is a healthy tonic drink that is easy to make at home.ย In fact, making your own kombucha at home can help you save money, while you stay healthier.
When I’m doing errands in the big city I’ll sometimes feel stressed. (This farm girl doesn’t like city traffic!)ย If I’m feeling lost, stressed, or even upset in my stomach, I head over to “Choices” our Western Canadian version of “Whole Foods” and pick up a bottle of kombucha. (Hibiscus-Rose is my favorite flavor.)ย It’s almost $6 a bottle but worth every penny.ย Just one bottle and I start to feel grounded again.ย But it doesn’t just help my emotions.ย It calms me, and it energizes me, too.ย It also helps Robin with his nerves and calms his eczema, that can be triggered in the stress of city driving.ย It energizes both of us and helps us get through that stressful city driving and back on the road through the mountains to home.
The ancient Chinese called Kombucha, “The Immortal Health Elixir”.ย And for good reason.ย Kombucha has been on the menu for more than 2000 years for its healing virtue.
Here are just some kombucha benefits:
- High in Antioxidants
- Anti-microbial, anti-bacterial
- Supports the immune system
- Heals candida overgrowth
- Brings blood pressure into the normal range
- Helps with healthy weight loss
- Reduces food cravings
- Anticancer, anti-tumor
- Detoxification
- Liver Support
- Anti-inflammatory
- Reduces joint pain
- Probiotic
- Supports the cardiovascular system
- Digestive Aid
- Increases energy, reduces fatigue
- Tonic, adaptogenic
You can read more about kombucha’s benefits here.
Kombucha’s health benefits come from polyphenols
Kombucha gets its dominant health benefits from the polyphenols found in tea.ย Polyphenols are the plant metabolites that the plant uses to stay healthy, color it’s leaves, flowers, and fruit, attract pollinators, fight disease, and generally ensure healthy plant reproduction.ย And those powerful antioxidants that help the plant survive in every environment can also help humans.
What is kombucha?
Plus kombucha is simply fermented tea and sugar.ย The scoby or kombucha mushroom grows like a vinegar mother in an environment that is rich in nitrogen, from the tea, and rich in glucose, from the sugar.ย The fermentation process releases all those healthy polyphenols and flavonoids in the tea, predigests them, and makes those healthy antioxidants more bioavailable to the body, turning that simple brew into a healing powerhouse. Plus, once the glucose is predigested by the kombucha fermentation, it turns some of it into acetic acid (vinegar), reducing the sugar in the tonic and replacing it with digestion improving vinegar.ย You can control how sour the tonic gets, by stopping the fermentation when it reaches the exact flavor you like.ย ย You don’t have to leave your tonic drink to chance.
But you don’t need to take that hit on your budget to have a daily tonic drink that keeps you energized and healthy. You can make it at home for just the cost of tea and sugar.ย Check out this post and grab the step by step recipe and get started brewing your own kombucha for pennies a bottle.
What you need to do to get kombucha benefits:
But I don’t just want you to brew it.ย I also want you to drink it.ย Drinking a 4 to 8-ounce glass of kombucha every day can make you feel better, improve your health, and help you reach your “New Year, New You” goals.ย It’s really that simple.
Find out more about Kombucha’s benefits and how to make it at home
Secret super-healing power of Kombucha and how to grow your own โ Part 1
Making your own super-star healing tonic in sufficient quantities for your family โ Part 2
Super-star secrets to help you break the soda habit โ 2nd ferment Kombucha โ Part 3
What can go wrong?ย Trouble Shooting your Kombucha problems โ Part 4
6 Ways to incorporate Kombucha into your lifestyle โ Part 5
I am so pleased to have found your site. Thank you for rolling everything I love into one place. Thrifty too! About the kombuchaโhow does one combat the caffeine and fluoride the tea contains? Thanks again. Gram D