Homestead Abundance as Self-fulfilling Prophesy
Have you ever heard of a ‘self-fulfilling prophesy’? It has to do with the fact that the more you think about something the more likely that thing is going to happen. When you focus with gratitude on good things, like the homestead abundance that you already have in your life, more comes your way. When you focus on the lack in your life (and even millionaires have lack in some areas) you will get more lack. Choose in 2013 to focus on being grateful for the “homestead abundance” that you already have. What you focus on you will get more of. I’m not talking about heebee jeebee stuff, either. This is old-fashioned homestead wisdom. If you plant peas, you are going to harvest peas. And you won’t get apples from an onion bulb. What you spend your time thinking about or planting in your mind matters.
Are you talking about “The Secret?” or something different?
Some folks have told me that this idea is very similar to the idea behind the movie, “The Secret.” The Secret is based on the New Age mystical doctrine – The Law of Attraction, which suggests that you only need to think and visualize what you want in life and it will mystically come your way. That’s not where I’m coming from. What I’m talking about isn’t some kind of hocus-pocus, magic, or manipulation of the universe to bend it to my will – if I can only have enough faith or if I can only have enough positive thoughts, what I want will come to pass. From that perspective if I fail – you know, a single negative thought creeps in – I’ve blown my life! And if I fail to get what I wanted or needed it’s my fault because I lacked faith. I wasn’t good enough.
Ancient Wisdom of Sowing and Reaping
On the other hand, the basis of my thoughts are rooted in ancient wisdom — the Bible. My idea of “Homestead Abundance” comes from words like “What a man thinks in his heart, so is he.” and “What a man sows, that shall he also reap.” and “Whatever is true, whatever is lovely, whatever is of good report — think about that…and the God of Peace will be with you” (my paraphrase) From this perspective, I do my part and God does His part and I get an increase in what I planted. If I plant peas, I will harvest peas. Not because I planted enough pea seeds and the laws of the universe come into magical alignment with my willpower, as I sit and visualize the abundant harvest that will be, if I have enough faith. Rather, the harvest comes after I plant because I cooperated with God. After I prepared the planting bed, planted the seeds, and weeded out the bad stuff – God sent rain, and sun, and then a harvest. Because God wanted to nourish me and wanted me to cooperate in actions that corresponded to what He already wanted to do in my life, I got a harvest of peas. God wants me to have homestead abundance.
Maybe this is a revelation to you
The God of the Bible, the One who created you, wants you to experience Homestead Abundance. It’s true. He wants to nourish you with good food. He wants you to be sheltered and warm. The Bible is full of these thoughts. And your job and my job is simply to recognize that God is already providing those things in our lives, and to begin to cooperate with Him, in what He already wants to do, by first of all, being grateful – and choosing to plant the seeds of homestead abundance.
How does this play out:
I’ve found evidence of how this plays out in my everyday — when I have a night where I only get 2 or 3 hours sleep, (unfortunately there are a lot of nights like that, for this grandma), if I say to myself, “I’m so tired. I can hardly cope.” Guess what I feel. If you said,”Exhausted, tired, depressed, sorry for myself, maybe even resentful of those in my family that slept through the night,” you’d be right. On the other hand, if I say to myself, one step at a time, you have the strength to do this next one thing, IT is true and the lack of sleep hardly matters. We are each empowered to choose for ourselves which we will have — abundance or lack — based on what we choose to “plant” in our lives and in our minds. If you focus on your lack — you will get more lack, even when there is abundance all around you — you just won’t see it. You will be blind to it. When you look for the Homestead abundance, you will begin to see it more and more.
Not insanity
I’m not talking about the idea that you should imagine what you want your life to be like and pretend that it’s already like that. That’s insanity. No matter what you say to yourself, your mind knows you are lying, if you are just pretending. This isn’t ‘fake it till you make it’. Rather, I’m talking about looking and acknowledging the good that you already have in your life — even if it’s not all that you want right now. As you are grateful for what you do have, more homestead abundance will come. Does this make sense?
What if it hurts too much?
Some of you are facing incredible loss at this time. Sometimes you need to let yourself grieve the loss first, before you will be able to see any abundance. That’s ok, too. We all have different needs. If you are in that spot, “waking up this morning” might be the best thing that happened to you today. But in a few months or sooner, you may be ready to look for the abundance once again. If you are in that place right now, know that I have walked there once, and walked through to the other side, with help. The grief doesn’t last forever. You might need to get help to walk through the grief process, in order to begin to see abundance. I needed to get help when I went through it. But I did walk through it and I am stronger now because of it. Get the help you need. Talk to your Rabbi or Pastor or if you don’t have one, find a counsellor that can help you. And start the process. There is hope to get through to the place where you can begin to see the abundance in your life again.
My hope in writing this is that you will be able to open your eyes to see the abundance in your own life, and feel gratitude, and that in doing that more abundance will grow from those seeds that you plant.
This is a blog hop
Homestead Abundance Link Up:
This is a blog hop
Welcome to Homestead Abundance Tuesdays, this is a blog hop! If you are a blogger, please feel free to link-up and share as many posts as you would like pertaining to:
- Urban or Rural Homesteading
- Anything DIY
- Cooking from scratch
- Preparedness/Survival
- Repurposed Projects
- Upcycled Frugal Finds
- Animal Care
- Natural Gardening Tips
- Herbal Remedies
- Green Cleaners and cosmetics
Anything that speaks to you of your Homestead Abundance, that you think will build and encourage our community.
I will share my personal favourites on my Facebook page this week. And next week I’ll pick 2 posts to feature right here.
This week’s Featured Posts
from December 25th’s Homestead Abundance Link-up are:
Keeping Chickens in the City from the Microfarm Project
Top 10 posts for 2012 from Natural Living Mamma
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It’s Time To Share Your Posts
Bloggers, use the linky tool on the bottom of this post to share your best post about your Homestead Abundance. Non-bloggers, feel free to add a comment here with any ideas or thoughts you have concerning homestead abundance. Every week I will be featuring the most viewed posts so link-up your best ones 🙂
When linking your posts, there are only a couple simple guidelines I’d like for you to follow:
1. Please link your posts back to this blog hop, not just the blog in general. Linking back here helps build our community by sending your readers to all of the other shared posts. Grab the button below by installing the html into your post or create a text link somewhere in your post.
2. Link to a specific post and not just to your blog’s homepage, so that future readers can find your post when they look.
3. Please make your linked post relevant. Don’t link to posts that are time sensitive, like giveaways, and limited time offers.
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Homestead Abundance Tuesdays #4
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