The Joybilee Farm Linen Festival is just a month away, on August 6th.
You need to be here and be inspired.
What’s the Linen Festival?
Its a party, where we celebrate sustainability, homesteading, freedom, independence, self reliance and generally, being remarkable. If you are reading this, then I know you care about these things. Its part of your personal dream, too.
The Linen Festival is the place where we help you take your dreams, put them in travelling clothes and design a road map to help you get where you want to go. And we teach you some very interesting things about flax and linen along the way.
There’s a nominal admission charge to get you through the gate — it helps us with advertising and insurance, and lets us pay our helpers. Just $7 for singles and $25 for families — its a steal for the value you’re going to take away with you. (In 2013 the Linen Festival admission is by donation).
All activities at the farm are free that day. You’ll want to stay all day and soak up the ambience of “authentic awesome” that permeates everything at the farm. You’ll get to learn all about linen — the plant and the fabric. You’ll also learn some history about linen culture and sustainability in North America (mostly Canada). And you’ll get a chance to ask your questions of the experts.
You’ll want to bring your family to be inspired, too, so that you can work together to achieve your goals. If you homeschool, count the day toward your homeschooling work samples for September — you’ll get a head start on an inspiring new school year.
In the afternoon, Robin Dalziel — MBA, CGA, and former CFP, with 25 years experience teaching adults — will be talking about “Linen as a metaphor” for seizing the life of freedom that you want, doing what you love, where you want to live. You’ll be inspired as Robin shares about some pitfalls of homesteading, and the steps it takes to get you where you want to be. He even talks about some wrong turns he’s made along the way, so you can avoid those. And He’ll give you some ideas to monetize your homestead and help you target your passion.
If you stick with us all day, you’ll end the day with an action plan that you can implement to get you closer to your goals. Sound too good to be true? We are so passionate about what we do that we want you to experience it, too. There’s no strings attached. No multilevel marketing pitch. No magic pill. Just authentic awesomeness, to inspire you toward the hard work that it will take to realize your dreams.
We hope you’ll take away from the day:
-a new appreciation for this exquisitely awesome natural fibre
-enough historical facts about linen to impress your colleagues, kids, and cohorts.
-some great photos of llama kisses, feeding baby goats, and breaking flax
-inspiration for some easy crafts you can do with something you can grow in your garden
-a stronger passion to make your dreams of freedom, and self reliance — doing what you love, where you want to live — a reality.
-a linen bookmark, beaded bracelet, or linen paper as a metaphor of the life you hope to seize when you put your personal action plan into place.
-a personal action plan to help you be remarkable and to fast-track your journey to freedom and self reliance.
Check out the festival at to see the complete schedule.
Have some questions that you want Robin to answer about homesteading, self-reliance or making money on your homestead? Leave a comment.
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