2 years ago Mr. Joybilee was diagnosed, during a routine eye examination, with glaucoma. It took him 8 months to get in to see the specialist. Mr. Joybilee didn’t have normal glaucoma, with an increased pressure in his eye. Instead he had normal eye pressure but with blind spots developing on his retina.
Mr. Joybilee also has low blood pressure. Because of work related stress, he had a lack of circulation to his eyes. His opthamologist suggested that, because of decreased blood flow to his eyes, he wasn’t getting the nutrients to his eyes, that they needed to function.
While waiting to get in to see the specialist, I researched glaucoma treatment and herbal remedies and supplements that might help.
Prevalence of Glaucoma
Glaucoma affects 1.86% of the population over 40 years of age. By 2020 1 in every 25 people over 40 will have glaucoma. About 50% of those who have glaucoma are undiagnosed. Untreated glaucoma can cause permanent blindness.
On the other hand, treatment with pharmeceuticals addresses the symptoms of increased eye pressure, not the underlying cause of the glaucoma. Pharmeceuticals for glaucoma treatment work by either reducing the production of fluid, by increasing the drainage of fluid, or both, thereby reducing the pressure in the eye. There are side effects associated with common pharmeceuticals used to treat glaucoma, as well.
While the scientists and doctors suggest that glaucoma is age related and hereditary, opthamologists do not actually know the cause of glaucoma.
Eye support tincture for glaucoma
There are varying symptomatic presentations for glaucoma. Glaucoma is generally diagnosed by excess pressure in the fluid of the eye. In this kind of glaucoma, the treatment of choice is to reduce the eye pressure using beta blockers, prostaglandin analogs, or another pharmaceutical. Treating the symptom of the glaucoma sometimes slows down the progression of the disease.
But glaucoma can still occur when there is normal pressure on the eye. In this circumstance the retinal nerve lacks nourishment — either because of insufficiencies in the diet or because the blood flow to the eyes is compromised. This is the kind of glaucoma, Mr. Joybilee has.
In all cases of glaucoma, there is evidence of blind spots in one or both eyes that show that the optic nerves are damaged.
What causes glaucoma?
Researchers now believe that elevated inter-ocular eye pressure is a RISK indicator in glaucoma but is not the cause of glaucoma. Research points to inflammation and oxidative stress being the underlying cause of glaucoma. Surprise! Inflammation and oxidative stress seem to be the foundation of every disease process.
Note: This recipe is not a substitute for the eye drops prescribed by the eye doctor. This is just extra. If you have glaucoma, please talk to your eye specialist before starting on a nutritional supplement to nourish your eyes.
Herbal remedies for glaucoma
I made this herbal remedy to help Mr. Joybilee. This herbal tincture offers support for the circulatory system. It helps the heart beat more efficiently. It is a heart tonic. It offers the specific nutrition that the optic nerve needs to function. It is also protective against oxidative stress.
It is anti-inflammatory, nutritive, tonic, and rich in anthocyanins, zeaxanthin, and lutein — flavinoids that the eyes use for nutrition. These nutrients also are protective of the eyes and blood vessels, scavenging free-radicals, protecting against oxidative stress, and reducing inflammation.
These specific herbs were picked because they are easy to grow in most back yard gardens and the seeds or plants are readily available. If you live in zone 2 or higher you will be able to grow them. If you find bilberry difficult to find, black currant, black elderberries, and black raspberries are all high in anthocyanins and are also effective, as is wild or low-bush blueberry. Bilberry has been traditionally used for eye health and to improve night vision.
This is a supplement NOT a drug. It will take time before you will notice results.
I found from my research that the same herbs and nutrients that would support the eyes for glaucoma also prevent the formation of cataracts and inhibit macular degeneration. The eyes use the flavinoids lutein and zeaxanthin, found in many foods but also found in the petals, leaves, and stems of marigolds and calendula flowers. In fact, if you eat foods containing these two flavinoids, lutein and zeaxanthin will go directly to your eyes, rather than hanging out in another part of your body. That’s good news, when you are looking for something that will help your eyes.
People with glaucoma and other eye problems will also benefit from natural vitamin C supplementation, and keeping their vitamin D levels optimized. Surely eating a variety of colourful, organic, fruits and vegetables, organic dark chocolate, organic tea and coffee, and other flavinoid rich foods will also be of benefit. Glaucoma is a symptom of oxidative stress and a lack of nutrients that the eyes need. Correcting the oxidative stress, inflammation, and mal-nourishment should bring improvement.
Remove foods that increase inflammation like processed sugar, gmo foods, and liquid oils, other than virgin olive oil. These can increase inflammation in the body and worsen all diseases. Replace these foods with more raw fruits and vegetables, especially purple food. The anthocyanins of purple cabbage, purple rice, blueberries, black currants, black hawthorn, and other purple and blue foods are antioxidants and prevent free radical damage in the body.
Vision Health Tincture
Eye support tincture for glaucoma where there is an insufficiency of blood flow to the eyes and/or a lack of nutrients for the retinal nerves.
Goal: To reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, reduce pressure in the ocular nerve, if necessary, and increase circulation and nutrition to the ocular nerve and the retina.
Vision Health tincture for glaucoma treatment:
Yield: 5 — 100 ml bottles of tincture — 1 month supply for 1 person
1 cup dried organic bilberries
1 cup wilted organic marigold flowers – yellow and gold — petals only
½ cup wilted organic calendula blossoms
½ cup dried organic hawthorn leaves and blossoms
Vodka to fill a 1 quart jar
- Place bilberries, marigold flowers, and calendula blossoms in a quart jar.
- Fill quart jar with 100 proof vodka.
- Place a tight lid on the jar.
- Label the jar and date it.
- Shake the jar as you think of it, over a 4 to 6 week period. You can strain the tincture anytime after 4 weeks.
- Strain tincture by pouring through a sieve lined with cloth, or through a fine stainless steel sieve.
- Press contents to recover as much liquid as possible.
- Pour into coloured glass bottles and label.
Dose: 1 tsp. 3 or 4 times a day. Use to improve eye sight and nourish the eyes. Use for glaucoma caused by lack of circulation to the eye and lack of nutrition. Also helpful with cataracts and macular degeneration.
Eat foods that are purple, yellow, orange, and red
Lutein and zeaxanthan are flavinoids specifically used by the eyes to help them do their job. If you have them in your diet, they will go directly to your eyes. Eat lots of yellow and orange fruits and vegetables to get more of them in your diet. Surprisingly, carrots are not as high in these two nutrients as onions or corn.
Purple fruits, vegetables, and even purple rice and maize, contain anthocyanins. These help prevent oxidative stress and free radical damage in the body. They also help reduce inflammation.
Traditional herbs used in the eye support tincture
Bilberries are for eye support
- Improves vision
- Nourish eyes
- Antioxidant
- Improves circulation
- Prevents platelets from clumping together
- Prevents macular degeneration
- Prevents cataracts
- Improves night vision
Marigold flowers (Tagetes erecta) (African marigold) nourish
- Nourish eyes with lutein and zeaxanthin
- Improve vision
- Nourishes retina
- Slows macular degeneration
- Prevents cataracts
- Antioxidant
Calendula flowers are anti-inflammatory and nourishing
- Nourishes eyes with lutein and zeaxanthin
- Improves vision
- Nourishes retina
- Prevents cataracts
- Antioxidant
- Slows macular degeneration
- Angiogenic
- Protects liver and kidneys from toxins
Hawthorn leaves and blossoms are tonic
- Improve circulation
- Cardiac Tonic
- Normalize blood pressure and possibly ocular pressure (?)
- Strengthen heart and blood vessels
** This recipe is for information and educational purposes only and is not a substitute for professional care. If you suspect you have glaucoma please talked to your optometrist. Untreated glaucoma can cause permanent blindness.
If you are taking heart medication consult with your doctor before supplementing with Hawthorn.
Study Herbs at the Herbal Academy of New England
HANES just released two new study tracks — The Entrepeneur Herbalist and the Clinical Herbalist, along with the proven and effective Family Herbalist track. See what HANES has to offer here. Check out my review of the Hanes courses here.
The Chestnut School of Herbs offers an herbal medicine making course as well as more advanced courses. See my review of the Chestnut School of Herbs class here.
Does joybilee sell the tincture
No I don’t but a similar product is available on Amazon under “Dr. Christopher’s eyebright formula”
Thank you for sharing all these natural remedies for glaucoma. Initial stage glaucoma can be cured with the help of these remedies. Also, glaucoma can be cured with the help of some vitamin supplements of vitamins like Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Vitamin A and Zinc.
Hi, Thanks for the information. Is the tincture to be taken by mouth?
I am 74 and have Glaucoma plus pseudo exfoliation. I use Timalol
Eye drops to bring down pressures but my right eye which has a
New lens is still cloudy. What else can I do.
Sylvie nz
I’m not sure. Have you tried eye bright herb? I just mixed up a tea with it but it’s too soon to tell if it’s making a difference here. Dr. Christoper has an eye bright formula. There are good testimonials around it. Google it.
HI, my Mom was diagnosed with Glaucoma and I am glad I came across your website. The tincture sounds quite good just can’t find African Marigolds. Would you have any suggestion where to buy them? I have the rest of the herbs needed. Thank you
My marigolds didn’t grow this year so I’m using calendula blossoms instead. They also contain some of the same flavinoids. I grow the marigolds for my tincture. I’m not sure where you could buy the flower heads. There is an herbal supplement that contains these same flavinoids. I found it at Cosco — sold for vision health.
My 18 year old daughter was diagnosed as a Glaucoma suspect of both eyes. I was told that her nerve had inflammation and that her pupil was oval. We were asked to return 1 week later, in which, results confirmed the same, and that treatment could not be administrated until she reached 100%. Currently, one eye was 84% and the other was 92%. As parents we are seeking Natural Treatments to reduce inflammation of the nerve. Why wait for her to reach 100%? We await with anticipation for your response.
Thank you,
You can use lots of herbs to reduce inflammation. You’d also want to change her diet to remove foods that might be causing inflammation — milk and grain, for instance. Tumeric and ginger can reduce inflammation. Frankincence essential oil also can reduce inflammation. But if you can find the cause of the inflammation and remove it that would be even better. I’d strongly recommend talking to your naturopath or a professional herbalist. (of course don’t put these in the eye, just add them to real food. The Typical North American diet is highly inflammatory.
Hi, I would love to visit with you about eye health. My mother-in-law and best friend both have progressive macular degeneration. With my natural supplements, both of their degenerations have been arrested.
I am reaching out to gather people who want to reach out to others on these healthy products. I’d love to hear back from you! Pat Packer
Are they free?
How can I get in touch with your products?
S. Meeler
I would love more information.