The Value of the Kindle e-reader:
I bought a Kindle this year so that I could download e-books to read. I also bought a Kindle for my eldest, at his request. And my youngest will soon have her own Kindle as well. The Kindle is an electronic reader that holds up to 3500 books and gives you instant access, with a wi-fi, to thousands of out-of-print classics for free to a few dollars. There are other electronic readers available, but I’m sold on the Kindle. My Kindle has the keyboard display that lets you type in internet searches, too. Its handy if you’re reading a book and question the facts presented. You can use Google to search key terms and check the facts.
There’s a built in dictionary that’s very handy when you come across unfamiliar terms. A built in mp3 player and a voice that will read your book to you, so that you can do other things, come on the keyboard edition and the touch screen edition. The voice isn’t wonderful to listen to but its a great perk when you want to keep reading but you have to do something else.
Kindle Keyboard, Wi-Fi, 6″ E Ink Display
Amazon has 3 new Kindles coming out this Fall, in time for Christmas giving. My youngest is getting the new Kindle Touch. It has a touch screen like an ipad and still lets you search the net, listen to mp3 files, and it holds 3,000 books. It will be very convenient for her studies. Some of her university course texts are available in Kindle editions.
Kindle Touch, Wi-Fi, 6″ E Ink Display
The Kindle is not back-lit like a computer screen, so its easier on your eyes and lets you read for long periods of time without eye fatigue. I found the grey page a bit hard to get used to, at first, but as long as you are reading with good lighting it won’t strain your eyes. You can purchase cases for the Kindle with built-in LED lights to make reading in bed more convenient. I haven’t needed to have additional lighting.
And the Kindle Fire will be out soon as well. The Kindle Fire is more than just an e-book reader. Its a full colour tablet that lets you watch movies, read books in colour and enjoy the full media experience at about half the price of Apple’s iPad. The Kindle Fire has a back-lit screen.
Kindle Fire, Full Color 7″ Multi-touch Display, Wi-Fi
The Kindle, Amazon’s propriety e-book reader, comes with a built in store. You can browse the Amazon Kindle store from your Kindle, anywhere that you can find a wi-fi access. You can instantly download a free chapter for any e-book and see if its something you want to read. Although not all books are available in e-book format, a great many are. Amazon has made it easy for writers to publish directly to e-book format and sell from the Amazon website, by-passing traditional print mediums. There are even e-books to tell you how to take your Word document and transform it to Mobi format for uploading to your Kindle.
Some Kindle e-books actually cost more than the print editions, so if cost trumps convenience for you, you’ll want to search the price before you buy. But a great many e-books are much cheaper than the print version — especially classic books, no longer under copyright, which often come for free.
Here’s more than a dozen Kindle books to help you do what you love and live your homestead dream — for 99 cents or less.
Prepare to live your dreams
The first group of Kindle e-books will help you get your life in order, pare down possessions and expenses and help you get out of debt.
1. The Underground guide to Living Frugal by Bjorn Karger
2. Frugillionaire: 500 Fabulous Ways to Live Richly and Save a Fortune by Francine Jay
3. Miss Minimalist: Inspiration to Downsize, Declutter and Simplify by Francine JAY
Getting Down to Business
The second group of e-books will turn your thoughts toward finding ways to make money and establishing a business that you can do on your rural property.
4. Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill, this is a classic book that came out of the Great Depression and has a great deal of relevance today.
5. Common Denominators for Success — 7 Universal Formulas to get the results you want, by Kenny Anderson
6. Finding Money: over 400+ places to find spare cash in your life by J. Godsey
7. 25 Ways to make money online: Your complete guide to legitimate online Jobs and opportunities that allow you to work from home and earn a paycheck by James Garton
8. Nuke your Day Job: A clear, specific path to earning millions in passive income by Michael Wesley
Self Sufficiency Skill Building
The third group of e-books will give you a boost at the realities of rural living.
9. Back to Basics: Raising self sufficient children by Barbara Franklin
I really like this book that presents the unschooling -homeschooling principles for rural self-sufficiency.
10. A no-nonsense guide to growing your own vegetables by Paul Spivey
11. Life on an acreage: Eclectic explorations of rural living by Suzanne May
12. Emergency Preparedness and personal survival by Jerry Young
13. When Disaster Strikes Home: 101 ways to protect your family from unthinkable emergencies by Norris Beren
14. Homemade Cleaners: Good for the environment and your wallet by Mrs. Pennypinch
And the humorous reality of living your dreams:
15. Bitch unleashed: The harsh realities of goin’ country by Nola Lee Kelsey
And did I mention that these 15 books would easily take up a shelf on your bookcase, but they won’t weigh down your Kindle at all. Don’t have a Kindle yet? You can download a free Kindle app for your PC and start reading right now.
Have you read any good e-books lately? Leave a comment and tell me the ones you’d recommend.
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