Do you ever feel overwhelmed by healthy living?
It’s not that you don’t understand or agree with why it matters. You’re sold on the merits of eating whole foods, staying hydrated, avoiding toxins and chemicals, getting fit, and using herbal remedies.
But sometimes it’s a whole lot easier to say than to actually do, right? Believe me, I’ve been there. What on earth do you eat? How do you afford to buy healthier foods and toiletries? And where do you find the time to make it all, just to avoid the toxins?
Healthy living shouldn’t be hard, and it shouldn’t cost so much, either! Don’t you ever wish someone would just tell you exactly what you need to know and how to make these healthy changes for less?
Because when you have the right info and tools at your fingertips, it all comes together.
- You know what to cook for your family.
- You’re more confident in choosing healthy food and figuring out alternatives for special dietary needs.
- You find ways to save money without comprising on what’s important to you.
- You learn to replace store-bought products with DIY options that actually work and are easy to make.
- You feel better (and even look better, too).
- Healthy living becomes less stressful and more enjoyable.
A few years ago I invited a group of online friends to a join me in a 30 day challenge to eat nothing but homemade food and scratch cooking. Do you know what happened? The group was so excited that they decided to stick with it for another month, and then another month. And after just 3 months some amazing stories came back. Cumulatively the group lost over 1000 lbs of excess weight. They started to get their energy back. They felt stronger and energized to make other changes. And it wasn’t even a weight loss group. The only change that each one made was dropping processed food and cooking from scratch. Yes, I was amazed to. Who knew that just one thing could have such a profound impact?
This is the time of year that the Ultimate Healthy Living Bundle goes on sale for just 6 days. This new bundle is the biggest and best bundle that Stephanie and her team have put together. But before I tell you the details. I want to ask you one question. What one thing can you do this week, that will have the biggest impact on your health? Because I believe that some of our actions toward healthier living can have a bigger impact than others.
- What we eat.
- How much we sleep.
- Exercise.
- Drinking more water or herbal teas.
These can all impact how much energy we have and how we feel. It can feel overwhelming to try to tackle everything at once. Especially if you’ve been busy in your daily roles and have neglected caring for your own health for a while.
However, for each of us, there is one thing, that if we did it, it would bring all the other things along. Like my friends in the 30 day challenge. The one thing for them was tossing the boxed food and making a serious commitment to cooking from scratch. That was the one thing that made a huge difference for them.
What’s your one thing, that will have the biggest impact on your health and well being if you do it? Once you know what the one thing is in your circumstance, you know where to focus your time. The overwhelm is gone. You have clarity for what your next step is. You’re welcome.
Find out more here.