It was a dark and snowy night and we were afraid and feeling a little lost. Robin had a week off from his job teaching at the university that Christmas, 10 years ago. It was snowing a lot — but not in Mission, B.C. — there it was raining. The kids were looking forward to playing in the snow.
Your Turn:
Yesterday was the first day of Hanukkah, a time when people remember the great miracle of the oil lamps in the temple burning brightly for a week on just one day’s worth of oil, after the temple in Jerusalem is rededicated by Judas Maccabeus. I wished my friend, “Happy Hanukkah,” and she reminded me that miracles still happen, we just need to look for them. And so today I share one of my miracles with you. Do you have a miracle story? You can share it here, or tell it on your own blog and put a link to it here. God is holding a conversation with us, that He is with us. Are you listening?
A version of this article first appeared on my blogspot blog in 2009
Photo credit: Julia Folsom CC