I’ve been using Tropical Traditions Gold Label Coconut Oil for a year now.ย It has a fresh coconut oil taste and is the perfect oil for cooking, and for eating fresh.ย Its also very versatile.ย You can spread it on bread, like butter, use it in salad dressings, drizzle it on popcorn, use it for frying, and use it instead of margarine or butter in baking.
My latest invention with virgin coconut is dandelion chips.ย My husband likes these better than the Kale chips.
I highly recommend this product.
Find other ways to use Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil from Tropical Traditions:
The kind folks at Tropical Traditions are giving us a whole gallon of this quality coconut oil to give away to one of you.
Win 1 gallon of Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil!
Tropical Traditions is Americaโs source for coconut oil. Their Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil is hand crafted in small batches by family
producers, and it is the highest quality coconut oil they offer. You can read more about how virgin coconut oil is
different from other coconut oils on their website: What is Virgin Coconut Oil?
You can also watch the video they produced about Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil:
Tropical Traditions also carries other varieties of affordable high quality coconut oil. Visit their website to check on current sales, to learn about
the many uses of coconut oil, and to read about all the advantages of buying coconut oil online. Since the FDA does not want us to discuss the health benefits of
coconut oil on a page where it is being sold or given away, here is the best website to read about the health benefits of coconut oil.
The draw is now over.
Thank you to everyone who entered. ย Karen from Edmonton, Alberta, Canada is the winner.ย Congratulations, Karen.ย Tropical Traditions will be sending out your 1 gallon pail of Gold Label Organic Virgin Coconut Oil this week.ย We’ll be doing another Tropical Traditions sponsored draw in a couple of weeks, so stay tuned.
To enter the draw please subscribe to the Tropical Traditions Sales Newsletter and leave a comment on this post, telling me your favourite way to use Organic Coconut oil.ย You can get bonus entries, too.
To get a bonus entry:
- Follow Tropical Traditions on Twitter @troptraditions and @ttspecialdeals
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Thanks for entering the draw.
I’ve never used coconut oil but willing to give it a try!
One of my favorite ways to get extra in my diet is to mix it with hot chocolate!
I use it almost exclusively in cooking and baking. I also use it in my homemade salves, creams, etc. I love love it and go through a lot of it.
Homemade granola, in place of veggie oil.
I use 1T coconut oil (with 3 drops of lavender oil) for oil pulling, which I do to detox my lymph nodes, reduce swelling, teeth, gum and mouth health. And this is only one use. I love coconut oil!
I love to cook with coconut oil and I have also just started to use it in a lot of beauty treatments too. I put it on my hair at night under a plastic cap. I even just started using it as a natural healing lip balm. The uses for coconut oil is long! And if I win the 5 gallon bucket I am going to try them all!
I put about a Tablespoon in my coffee! Yum!!
Love to use it for popcorn and making energy bites.
I love coconut oil for making omelets. The eggs NEVER stick.
I love coconut oil for everything!! My all time fav tho would be in making garlic broccoli, it just adds something amazing to the flavor ๐
Would love to win this!!! Falling in love with everything coconut oil can do!!!!
Working on changing my diet to Paleo. The experts recommend coconut oil. I would love to try it!
never tried coconut oil..hope I win!
Coconut oil Love, Love, Love is all I can say. m ๐
I have not started using coconut oil yet, but will be getting some soon. Thanks for the give away.
I love it as the base for my chapstick and homemade soaps!
Just started using coconut oil but my favorite thing so far is to fry plantains in it and serve with a drizzle of chocolate sauce and ice cream!
I love coconut oil in smoothies! Makes it sort of frothy!
Love using it in smoothies!
cocount has so many uses, hair and body,food, and aromas
I love coconut oil for making chocolate
Anxious to hear if it is ME who wins this!
I like to you coconut oil in my baking. Things are so moist!
coconut oil for skin and hair. also baking
delicious for baked home fries!
On toast with peanut butter!
Love it in oatmeal and once in a while for pulling. I’ve been known to just eat a spoonful right out of the jar. Looove it as a moisturizer. Smells better to me than any store bought lotions.
My favorite use is making homemade fries! They have so much more flavor with coconut oil! Yum!
Yep on the popcorn plus so many other uses…
It’s perfect for popping popcorn and is a wonderful moisturizer!
I have been phasing out cooking oils and replacing them with coconut oil. My husband especially likes when I melt it in a baking pan and toss in cut up potatoes. I season them with garlic salt, seasoning salt, sage or poultry seasoning. Cover with aluminum foil and bake for and hour. Yummy.
So far, I’ve only used coconut oil on my skin. I love its texture and scent. Next, I plan to try it in homemade skin creams. I would also like to use in in cooking and in pet food for my dogs. I’m sure it would do them as much good as it would do me.
I like to use it in my morning protein drink.
I use coconut oil for cooking eggs, frying, and baking
There’s a lot to use it for but one of my favorites is “frying” fish and chicken. What an amazing depth of flavor is added to the meat & it doesn’t seem to matter what herbs or spices I use with it! YUM!
I use coconut oil in baking, cooking, and on my skin and hair. I LOVE coconut oil!
Thanks for such a wonderful giveaway.
I follow Tropical Traditions on Pinterest
I love to use coconut oil as a moisturizer on my children, especially the baby! I also use it in cooking and baking but my favorite is to put a little bit in hot coffee, adds flavor and creaminess! ๐
I love to use coconut oil as a hair conditioner!
I too love it in oatmeal and am trying it in other things all the time!!
I love organic coconut oil for granola, to saute veggies, seasoning my cast iron pans, making deoderant, sunblock and other handcrafted products.
I love using coconut oil when I make granola. Even if a hint of flavour comes through, that’s just fine!
I love coconut oil! It’s the only lotion I use on my face and I wish I could do oil pulling, but it’s just more than I can afford. I fry with it, sometimes but especially love it to make “candy” for my little girl and I. This would be such a gift, ’cause I really miss not having any.
In curries–amazing, in scones and cookies rich and healthy. I like to garden without gloves, to feel the dirt on my skin, rub coconut oil into my hands after gardening.
I love to put a tablespoon of coconut oil in a warm bowl of oatmeal, healthy and great!
We use it for cooking (popcorn is fabulous when popped with coconut oil) but also for body, hand and face lotion. Lovely!!!!
Hi, Noreen, nice to see you here. Thanks for entering the blog give away. C.
I am just starting to use coconut oil so I am still experimenting with many usees. This sure would let me try many many things!! ๐
I use coconut for all the uses that one could use an oil for….all of my cooking, baking and spreads are coconut oil…..if a recipe calls for oil it is organic coconut for us. We melt it and add to our breakfast power shakes, I even put it on my face for reducing fine lines and wrinkles…..it is a wonderful massage oil and I do Raindrop Therapy through my training with Young Living Essential Oils and use it for part of my work in that way…..I massage my own heels in the evening and do foot reflexology on myself before putting on warm fuzzy socks to help heat my feet for deep absorbtion……LOVE LOVE LOVE coconut oil!
What great ideas, Joyce. Thanks for sharing.
We use it exclusively instead of vegetable or canola oil. I especially love the richness it adds to our homemade granola!
I use it for baking and cooking and just recently made deodorant with it.
My favorite use for coconut oil is whatever I can use it in or on! I LOVE how useful it is! I use it for cooking, conditioning my hair, for diaper rashes and I use it in toothpaste and deodorant! I have started using it on old stretch marks and I eat it by the teaspoon throughout the day to help with my hypothyroidism. It is awesome!
I’ve only used coconut oil in my hair, but look forward to trying all the interesting ways you suggest!
In the summer I use it as an all over face, body and especially feet moisturizer, it works really well. I also add it to fruit smoothies, YUM!!! ๐
My favorite use? Geez, kinda tough, because I use it so much! The most exciting thing I did recently with it (and wouldn’t probably use the GOLD LABEL for ๐ ) was to remove scuff marks on a wood floor. It took them right off when cleaner would not! I also use it to cook most everything, drizzle it with balsamic over sweet potatoes, and lots more ๐
i would love to win this ๐ because i know the healthy benefits from taking coconut oil.
I use it for baking, frying and it helps my blood sugar control.
This sounds great I would love to try this for my family.
I like to use coconut oil as a hot oil treatment on my hair before I shampoo, makes it very soft!
Coconut oil makes the best popcorn ever. I use it in my smoothies, too.
I would love to try the fudge recipe that is made with coconut oil! I have only used it for frying so far.
I am definitely behind the times in trying new products, have got to get on the bandwagon! With as many good uses for coconut oil, why have I been waiting?? Sounds like it is worth whatever price it costs to buy and use one of Natures natural products. I have always loved coconuts, going to have to order some or look for it in the stores, which Im sure is more expensive in the long run. Thank you for opening my eyes!
Just started using.My grandson loves popcorn.
I use it in cooking and want to try “oil pulling” with coconut oil.
I love lotions and creams but want to experiment so would enjoy this product immensely.
I like to use coconut oil to oil pull the bacteria out of my mouth. Just soak the oil in my mouth for 5 -20 minutes before brushing!
Oh how I would love to win this, You can hardly find it where I live unless you order…
Please pick me…
Lugoff, SC
I would use this on/in everything
Please enter me for the draw. I love coconut oil, I have only used it for cooking but I intend to try it for skin and hair care as well.
I use coconut oil in mjy soaps and made deodorant once with it. If I had more I’d use it in more cooking. I would love to win and then I’d take some each day internally. Thanks for the give-away.
Love, love, love coconut oil. ๐
I love it for scrambled eggs!
I also use it as deodorant and on skin irritations.
I have only recently used coconut oil to fry eggs and some vegan meat substitutes as well as in a sea salt scrub my mom made. I would love to use coconut oil in some homemade health & beauty products.
After I fell in love with coconut oil in my oatmeal, my husband and daughter converted quickly. The most encouraging switch was my mom. She was recovering from breast cancer and then blood clots in her lung and wouldn’t eat when I got her to try oatmeal with coconut oil. She now eats everyday and is gaining strength! Praise Him!!! We use coconut oil in stir fry, eggs, baking, smoothies and just about everything!
I first started using coconut oil in my oatmeal for breakfast, then my husband tried it and fell in love with it! He raved about it to our daughter who is now a fan. Also after a bought with breast cancer and blood clots my 81 year-old mom had lost all appetite but adding coconut oil to oatmeal has become addictive. She now eats breakfast everyday and is regaining so much strength. We use it in stir fry, eggs, smoothies and just about everything! Haven’t tried this brand yet!
Cooking, soap and lotion making!
Wow, this stuff can be used for everything! Eager to expand our family’s use of this product. Thanks for the great lists of uses!
I use it to pan sear halibut, cook veggies, and bake.
We buy coconut oil by the bucket. Love it for raw foods, elixers, lotion, and cooking! It got rid ofmy hubby’s cracks in his feet quickly. He tells everyone about it now.
I like to use it to fry eggs, stir fry, to saute veggies or whatever. Wife likes to rub it on her hands from time to time to keep them nice and soft.
Would love to try it for baking and cooking. So expensive here..
Right now my kids are on a popcorn kick, that’s the oil I cook it in. We have a popper, but that’s what we roast coffee in so, I think my kids may be the only ones in their school who know popcorn doesn’t have to be microwaved or cooked in some “other” way.
I actually have never used coconut oil I’ve just learned of it’s existance very recently. Everything I’ve read makes me excited to try out all its different uses.
Good luck to all who enter!
I haven’t tried this brand yet but I hear lots of good things about it. ๐
To cook and bake with but also am looking forward to trying to make some personal products with it.
I have not been able to find this product locally to use but I sure would love to
I have one child who eats it by the spoon. It is used in smashed bananas and other tropical, raw type desserts for the kids. Use it in daughters locks….and she loves it on her skin !
To cook with, bake with and make homemade shampoo with :oD
I love to sautee vegetables in it.
I love to use cocoanut oil to fry fresh caught rainbow trout, right there on the river bank. (wiping the droll of my laptop for thinking about how wonderful the trout taste with cocoanut oil flavor)
I make a tea, 1 tbl coconut oil and juice of half of a lemon in cup of hot water. Great energy to start and end the day. I also love coconut oil in banana bread and popcorn.
Odd as it sounds, I like to just eat a teaspoon or so of it plain! I also use it in lots of other ways, though – it is so versatile.
I use coconut oil for so many things…cooking, cleaning, body care, health. It is indispensable!
I have tried to use coconut oil for cooking but the smell turns me off. Any suggestions? I am using Tropical Traditions. I grew up in Hawaii so I have no aversion to coconut and would love to use this great oil more effectively.
Melody, you might prefer one of TT expeller expressed oils rather than the Gold Label. It doesn’t have the same antioxidant profile but it still works fantastically for frying and cooking. My daughter doesn’t like the smell either, but she’s getting used to it. For deep frying and soap making I use the expeller expressed coconut oil from Tropical Traditions.
We start every day with organic eggs cooked in coconut oil. I’m amazed at how long my energy stays stable and my hunger is minimized!
I love using coconut oil for many things – cooking, skin & hair care, salves etc. I haven’t tried the Gold label but would love to!
I am just starting to use coconut oil, but am finding new uses every day! Thanks for the opportunity.
One of my favorite ways to use T.T. Coconut Oil is to slightly steam asparagus, just ti soft, then toss it in the blender and add a chunk of coconut oil in and blend until smooth. It goes down smooth. I started doing this while being pregnant and having kidney stones. My husband would drink this with me, and our other children would beg to have some of this! Great stuff!
I love using coconut oil in just about any kind of cooking, even for frying eggs! Whenever I’m using it, I can’t help but eating a spoonfull of it straight. This stuff is just GOOD.
New, but am learning lots of recipes the kids and dear hubby enjoy – cookies, pies and lots more!
My favorite way to use is on my sourdough toast! So much tastier than butter!
I have heard many good things about coconut oil for many years. I like using it as a spread on toast.
i love to use it when baking
Thanks for the chance to win!
gina.m.maddox (AT) gmail (DOT) com
I am new to this whole holostic medicene,, I have been studing it for the past year,, because both my sisters are very sick. In all my research, I am most excited about the uses and benefits of coconut oil in the healing process of the body. thanks for the info
I am using coconut oil for everything, so it is hard to pinpoint what my favourite thing to use it for is. I love it in my cooking and love it as a body product. My body absorbs it quickly so leaves no greasy residue. It gives my food a unique flavour that is pleasant to the palate. Popcorn is amazing made in coconut oil. I love eating it just the way it is too.
Great giveaway! I use Coconut Oil for anything you can use regular oil for, but if I had enough of it I would use it for salves! (http://www.cookingmycsa.com/apps/blog/show/14857229-savvy-tips-for-herbal-salves-part-1-the-oil-infusion)
I only recently started to use it, but I love to feed it to my kids and they are starting to LOVE it too! I personally love using it for my beauty products.
I don’t know if I could pin point 1 favorite use for my coconut oil. I use it for frying, in smoothies, lotions, shaving cream, lotion bar. I just LOVE my coconut oil.
Coconut, glorious coconut oil!!!
I use it for just about everything, baking, frying, on my skin and in my hair but I would have to say that my favorite use is for french toast ๐ oh so yummy!!!
I eat a full teaspoon every day. Tasty!
I recently started using coconut oil… am using it for everything from putting on my popcorn, frying my eggs, softening my skin, removing tape glue from my wounded hand, softening the wound and helping it heal, polishing a black metal ornament, mixing with my porridge, brushing my teeth, conditioning my hair, etc.
Gave some to my mom and she’s loving it on her hands. The “other” brand doesn’t taste as good as Tropical Traditions Gold Label Virgin Coconut Oil.
I thought it would take me a long time to finish a gallon but I am now over half way through it.
I use coconut oil to make underarm deodorant, and a great bag balm for my milk cow!
Ive not used it in cooking yet but i love making lotion with coconut oil.
Not using it yet, but I have been looking for it. I think I will have to order some online. I plan on making some dandelion chips for a friend who loves kale chips.
I use coconut oil to cook with, to make lip gloss, lotion, and hair products. I use coconut oil for all kinds of stuff so winning this much of it would be wonderful!!!
I’ve always loved using coconut oil in homemade bath and beauty products. But, I also really enjoy using it in several cooking recipes I’ve found. (Recently made homemade ‘Magic Shell’ chocolate topping for ice cream with coconut oil! yummmmm!) Thanks for the giveaway!
I’m also new to Coconut Oil use, but have enjoyed everything I’ve made with it so far. Would love to win this
I just started using coconut oil. Found it can benefit the whole family from eating it to using it on the skin ๐
I use coconut oil in my cooking and also for oil pulling and hair treatments and in my tooth powder. I love it!
I’m trying the dandelion chips. We seem to have a LOT of them every year. It would be good to be able to use them for something besides exercise when digging them out.
Love it for cooking and have recently discovered it’s great for your hair! Leave it on overnight and wash out in the morning.
I use coconut oil for several things, soap making being one of my favorite uses, but also for brushing teeth with.
All sorts of food preparation uses, plus hair and body care. Pretty good stuff, if you ask me.
I’ve only just started using coconut oil, but I’m loving it. I use it primarily for cooking, in place of any other oil.
I just started using it about a month ago in my cooking but look forward to discovering all of it’s uses!