The herbs you are growing in your garden are the freshest and most potent herbs for flavor and for health. They have antioxidant flavonoids, carotenoids, anthocyanins, and terpenes that combine to offer a unique flavor profile. They are high in natural antioxidants, vitamins, minerals, and beneficial actions. They even provide medicinal actions. They may be: Antiviral, antimicrobial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory, heart and circulatory tonics, protect against radiation, relaxing nervines, antispasmodic, digestive tonics, pain relieving, and more.
This week I am offering a live training to help you learn to use these garden herbs, and even weeds as gentle herbal tonics, so that you can be empowered, save money, improve your health and support your overall well-being.
Tonic herbs are the mildest herbs in the herbalist’s tool box. Herbal tonics are herbs that are gentle enough to use daily, to support general well-being, and to strengthen specific organs and functions in the body. Understanding which herbs are in this category and learning to safely identify them, as well as how to prepare them and use them will empower you right now. This knowledge will prepare you to thrive. This is especially important right now, as the governments around the world make their next move, toward global pandemic preparations.
In this training, you’ll learn which common weed is the most nutrient dense and mineral rich plant growing in the garden. You’ll appreciate some of our common weeds more and understand why our ancestors brought their seeds with them when they immigrated to North America. You’ll also learn which garden herbs you should be growing, even if you only have containers to grow in. We’ll also talk about a few pitfalls that beginning foragers and herbalists make, when harvesting tonic herbs, so that you can avoid these mistakes, and the serious health consequences that can happen.
I’ve packed this live training full of valuable tips and information to empower you to make the most of this year’s growing season, so that you can look for these herbs now, and harvest them while they are the most beneficial and most potent, throughout your growing season.
Register for this live training and learn to use garden weeds, culinary herbs, and medicinal herbs, growing in your garden or in the wild places near you, as herbal tonics to support healthy immunity, reduce inflammation and pain, and offer your body what it needs to heal itself.
In this free training you’ll learn:
- What are tonic herbs?
- Tonic herbs in the context of herbal medicine traditions
- Which tonic herbs to find and use right now
- Which herbs you should look for in each season
- How to ID wild herbs so that you can safely harvest them
- Which wild weeds can be used to support the immune system when colds and flus are “going around”
- Which common weeds to avoid so won’t damage your kidneys
- Which wild herbs are beneficial for supporting heart health
- Which tonic herbs are easy to grow in the garden (in fact you might already be growing these)
- When to harvest herbs for optimal potency
- How to prepare tonic herbs for optimal, vibrant health
- How to preserve seasonal tonic herbs for year round use
When is the free training?
You can register for this training now and join Chris on Wednesday May 29th at 5pm Eastern (2pm Pacific time) OR on Friday May 31st at 5pm Eastern ( 2pm Pacific time).
A recording will be available to those who register for the training.
How do I register?
To register for Wednesday’s session on May 29th at 5pm Eastern, go here.
To register for Friday’s session on May 31st at 5pm Eastern, go here
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. A link to the recording will go out only to those who register for the webinar. You don’t need a zoom account to register for the training.
I’m looking forward to seeing you enjoy these herbal tonic plants in your garden more. The healing value of garden herbs and weeds is often overlooked. Nature has an abundance to offer us through these herbal allies. This training will help you become more confident in using these herbal allies for your own enrichment and vibrant health.
uuuhhh i missed this event
I don’t see a handout. Is there one? It would be very helpful. I’ve watched about half so far. Good stuff!
Is there a handout? I couldn’t attend live, but did receive the recording. A handout with the basic info would be very helpful.
I wasn’t able to join at this time but I would love to have a recording. Are they going to be other dates or can I get a recording? Thank you,
I am truly excited for this upcoming event today. Being busy and all I will try to attend. I do have a some knowledge of herbs from my country but, it will be nice to learn more and explore local herbs. Certainly looking forward to how this new knowledge that can be applied.
I can’t attend in person and the time does not suit me in Australia but would love the recording.